Luka's Birth Story
Dario felt like fire and was born in water in Texas.
Luka felt like fiberglass and was born in air in Costa Rica.
And this is how my children view the world globally. It’s not the US of America. It’s Texas. Because Luka is going to have an opportunity to go to first grade in Texas because his dad is applying for an executive director job at Texas Campaign for the Environment but he doesn’t want to move to Texas without knowing that his children are going to go live with him. And.
When Luka was born, he came out butt first and folded in half. And I was a breech baby too. So that’s makes it pretty rare.
So when a bit of his butt bones would crown, I would keep pushing him out as out as I could because if he slid back in a little bit, it felt like fiberglass.
And then, when just the feet and shoulders and head were left, I begged the doctor to help even though I knew, because I had done the research that when pushing breech out the doctor is not to interfere because the mom and baby know best and.
Then the feet flooped out and it was such a release and then there was the space for the doctor to grab Luka’s chin with his finger and tuck Luka’s chin for him so his head bone would slide out and not have his jaw get hooked on my public bone from the inside.
And then when Luka finished sliding out, they went to bring him up to my chest but there was a tug from the inside when he got to my belly button and I said stop -