Today is the Youngest You Will Ever Be
Start now and start from experience, this time.
Because I started teaching yoga in 2017. And that was eight years ago. And I know a little bit more now than I did then.
My ex husband one time bought me a blog for my birthday and I remember thinking, wow, how thoughtful. And it was suppose to be about food. And that was a long, long time ago.
If you could, go back and make a small change just at the beginning, but knowing the butterfly effect, obviously, it’s a mental exercise.
Work - Mondays blog Tuesdays YouTube channel Wednesdays newsletter Thursdays Retreat promotion Friday beach walks Saturday administration Sundays don’t work at least one day a week so you don’t burn out.
Repeat 8 hours a day for five days or the equivalent of work hours.
Sleep 8 hours a night. Ask yourself - What time do I want to wake up tomorrow?
5:30am Wake up = 9:30pm Bedtime
AND then at 8:30pm tonight - start dimming the lights and don’t look at your phone anymore and start getting your conscience ness ready for your eight hours of subconscience healing time. Because when you get to wake up tomorrow you get to -
Today is the youngest you will ever be.
Yesterday was a bunch of stuff that you don’t get to go back and undo or redo or anything do do.
And your life is made up of a bunch of yesterdays that happened to you - not me.
My yesterdays happened to me. And that’s why I am who I am today. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and energetically. All of the ally’s.
I look pretty much the same from the outside I think. 5 years physical/ mental/ emotional/ spiritual/ energetic/ growth.