Thursdays 52 weeks a year and around 80 years a lifetime?

Living in a blue zone.

I moved to Costa Rica in 2017. And people here live to be around 100 years old.

As far as I can tell, the Pura Vida has a huge impact on mindset.

Also, Costa Rica has no standing army and you can drink the water without getting Montezuma’s revenge. And still, when people come down to visit, they see paradise and feel the ocean air on their skin so they move down and then life still happens. Relationships end, jobs change, people move back.

And if you could ~ live ~ anywhere in the world? Where do you live and why? And does that match your dream location and if it doesn’t, why not?

Some people are addicted to the destination chase. Thinking that the next place is going to be the better fit or the new start and in reality, no one gets a true start over until death so in the meantime,


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