Mondays are for blogs & Tuesdays are always laundry

Today I went surfing. Yesterday too. And I plan on showing up tomorrow. And the only person that really, really cares about it - is me.

Mondays are for blogs and today is August 19, 2024.

But Mondays happen a bunch, you know. August always has 31 days. All the months have a 19th in them and the year 2024 is as long as 365 days. And today is just one of a million days but also the only day we are actively participating in.

Because yesterday is done. You can’t go back. Me either.

And tomorrow isn’t here yet and it never is. Tomorrow never comes it just sits there filling up with all of the wonderful things that we are definitely going to do - just not today.

Today someone said something really nice to my ears and it made my heart sing. and Today someone said something really not nice to my ears and it almost made me cry.

But as far as I can tell, you cannot make anyone else’s mouth say something that it doesn’t want to say (I guess unless it’s lying). And since I can choose to decide which words I want to linger in my ears I’m going to take the compliment from the surf coach over the competitive spirit of the yoga teacher any day.

And, the first Monday of the yoga retreat in October is going to feature Carolyn and journaling our story.

I hope you come. As of this moment there are five women coming and there is always space for more.

And, a male yogi has asked if I would host a retreat not just for women in 2025 and I think that’s a great idea. So keep your eyes peeled for the retreats in 2025.

I’ll still be here. I hope you will be too. xoxo Virg

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