A Dog Named Sam

Half Lhasa Apso and half friendly neighbor. He looked like a Lhasa Apso but a little too big.

He was my mom’s dog. And he didn’t like my dad. And he didn’t like me much either.

But when I came along, he started peeing in the house.

And my mom couldn’t figure it out.

2307 North 57th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin

$36,000 bought and $72,000 sold in value

Emotions : proud & now I have a house, I have a dog, and I have job. I don’t need anything else.

Dear Readers,

Happy Monday and it’s blog day. I trust in Divine Timing. And I am supported.

I learned something new that I want to share here first. So thanks for following my blog.

Set an Intention - LOVE

And a human body is designed to feel an emotion for 2 minutes or so - the same amount of time your respiratory system is trying to alternate from dominant to the non dominant side.

What emotion do you want to choose to feel more of in your future?

  • Joyful (is just one option) and there are many emotions like sadness and anger to choose from.

Now - Present moment yourself -

  1. one thing you can see, one thing you can smell, one thing you can hear, one thing you can taste, one thing you can touch

And the practice is having a memory in your back pocket from WHEN your body felt that emotion that you choose to feel more of in your future. And your brain doesn’t know the difference between fact and fiction. Remembering the moment of time when you felt the emotion let’s your brain dose itself as best as it remembers those brain chemicals in the real moment in time.

Virginia FugmanComment